2009年3月25日 星期三


※ 在此討論的特殊動詞有來去動詞使役動詞感官動詞聯綴動詞情緒動詞授與動詞

壹:來去動詞:◎包括有:go ,come, leave, startbeginmovearrive〈到達〉、fly〈飛往〉…等。
◎常以『現在進行式』代替『未來簡單式』。即will+v …=be+ving…
Ex: I will leave for Paris next month.
=I for Paris next month.
=I for Paris next month.
Ex: 今天下午我要去看醫生。〈be going to〉

Ex: 他要和你去看電影嗎?
Will he go to a movie with you?
Is he going to a movie with you?
Ex: Tom will go to the party, won’t he?
=Tom to the party, he?
Ex: She will not go to the movie, but I .
= She is not go to the movie, but I .
Ex: Mon is going to the department store this evening, and I.

◎ 此類動詞包括有:〈一〉與『狀態』有關:look看起來…,sound聽起來... ,taste嚐起
.., smell聞起來… , feel感覺起來…, keep保持…等
〈二〉 become變得get變得grow變得turn轉變得go轉變得... come最後變得
◎ 連綴動詞與be動詞很像〈be動詞後也得接補語〉
◎ 一般說來,連綴動詞都不可造進行式〈be+ving〉;
但become, get, grow三者卻可以,有『漸漸地…』、『越來越…』的意思;表達時可搭配『形容詞原級』、『比較級』、『比較級and 比較級』。
◎ 連綴動詞的補語首先考慮『形容詞』〈包括『分詞』與『分詞片語』其次才是名詞。
◎ 相關原問句:How…..?/ What /Who/ Which…..like? 用以詢問主詞補語
Ex: He looked (sad) at the party we had last week.
Ex: He looked (sad) at the girl we talked with.
Ex: Judy an artist. (a. are b. looked c. got d. became )
Ex: I so tired last night. (a. am b. got c. tasted d. feel)
Ex. He looks .(a. happily b. so scared c. like a teacher d. a thief)
Ex. The plan didn’t come , and he felt (a. truly; tiredly b. true; tiring c. true; tired d. true; tire )
Ex: You should keep to enjoy every moment in your life.
(a. scared b. happy c. surprising d.
talking. )
Ex: Peter looks so great today. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. Grant looks like Andy Lau. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. Matt looks like an engineer. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. 隨著日子過去 (day and day),他漸漸變老了。

◎ 常見的有:buy/bought買、give/gave給、teach/taught教、write/wrote寫、sell/sold賣、lend/lent借岀 send/sent 寄送、bring/brought帶來、ask問….
◎ 授與動詞後有兩受詞:一為『物』、一為『人』。
◎ 句型:S +V +人 +物 = S + V+ 物+介系詞 +人
◎ 常與之搭配的介詞有to, for; 而ask用 of
Ex: He gave Mary a jewel as a birthday present.
= He gave a jewel________ Mary as a birthday present.
Ex. Father has bought me an English dictionary.
=Father has bought an English dictionary ________ me
Ex. I want to ask your brother a math question.
= I want to ask a math question_______ your brother.
Ex. I have sent Mr. Brown that package.
=_____________________________________________(以代名詞替代 that package)
Ex. I went to ask Mom________ money in a hurry.
Ex. You can ask Tom _________ help you.
Ex. I want to ask the question _______ Mr. Kao.
Ex. Dad ______ on my birthday. (a. gave me to a watch b. give a watch me c. gave me it d. gave it to me. )
◎ 包括有:see/sawwatchlook at; hear/heardlisten tofeel/felt

◎ 感官動詞屬『不完全及物』動詞,只要提到感官動詞,其實是為了要討論其後的『受詞補語』
◎ 受詞補語包括形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞及省略to的不定詞
◎ 句型:S+ 感官V + O + V-RT (此V表O自己可完成的動作,主動意)
+ V-ing (主動,表O之動作正進行中 )
+ p.p(被動,表O之動作是被產生的 )
Ex. I saw a truck_____ in back of your garden. (a. wash b. washing c. be washed d. washed )
Ex. Uncle Tom looked _______ this morning. ( 可複選 ) (a. sad b. like a beggar c. at the dog run d. for that girl quickly. )
Ex. I heard Cindy _____ the violin. ( 可複選 ) (a . played b. playing c. to play d. play. )
Ex. I heard her ______ a song to put her baby to sleep. (a. sang b. sung c. to sing d. singing )
Ex. Tom saw Jack ______ by a car. (a. to hit b. hitted c. hit d. was hit)
◎ 包括make/made, have/had, let/let ( 讓… )
◎ 此類動詞都有『強制、強迫、命令』受詞的語氣,故後面的受詞補語形式若為主動,我們用『省略to的不定詞』表之;若是被動,則以『pp』表之。即句型為: S+ 使役動詞+ O +V-RT(表O自己可以做的動作, )
+pp (被動,表O之動作是被產生)
◎ help視為具有半使役動詞的特色,即其句型: S+ help + O+ (to)+V-Rt
Ex. Mom made me ______ ______ the housework. (a. finishing; doing b. to finish; to do c. finish; do d. finish; doing)
Ex. Mr. White had the room _____ the other day. (a. clean b. cleaning c. cleaned d. to clean.)
Ex. You should help him _____ his keys.(複選 ) (a. to look for b. looking for c. looked for d. look for )
Ex. Mom told me _____ the medicine. (a. take b. took c. taking d. to take )
Ex. Let him _____ Mary _____ the tickets. (複選) ( a. helping; to get b. help; to get c. help; get d. help; getting )
Ex. Dr. Chen made all the windows_____. (a. opened b. open c. close d. closing )
Ex. Dad had me ______ a doctor. (a. be b. to be c. am d. been. )

◎ 包括有excite令…感到刺激的、 embarrass令…感到難堪的、 bore令…感到無聊的、 worry令…感到擔憂的、 surprise令…感到驚訝的、 scare令…感到害怕的、 impress令…印象深刻的、 interest令…感到興趣的、 tire令…感到厭煩的、 satisfy令…感到滿意的
◎ 此類動詞以事物為主詞、人為受詞;即 S(事物)+情緒V+O(人)
◎ 此類動詞常轉化為分詞〈即V-ed; V-ing〉當形容詞用。
過去分詞(V-ed ) 修飾人,解釋為『感到…的』ex: He’s tired.
現在分詞(V-ing) 修飾事物,常作『令人….的』解釋。

ex: It’s a tiring day.
◎ interesting〈有趣〉interested〈感到興趣的〉 和 boring〈無聊的〉 bored(感到無聊的) 皆可修飾『人』
Ex. He is a boring student.他是令人厭煩的學生
bored with對…感厭煩
embarrassed about對…感困窘
人+be/feel/look+excited about對…感興奮 +事物
interested in對…感興趣 impressed with(by)對…印象深刻
tired of對…感厭倦
worried about對…擔心
surprised at對…感驚訝
Ex. _____ scares _____. (a. Driving too fast; me b. I; driving too fast)
Ex. I_____ in solving problems. (a. am interesting b. interests c. am interested d. interest )
Ex. That she often gets home late _____ to all of us. (a. worries b. is worried c. is worrying d. worry.)
Ex. ___ bores ______. (a. I; reading novels b. To read novels; her c.Her jokes; me d. They; he)
Ex. The experience is so ______ me. (a. embarrassed b.embarrassing c.embarrassed about d. embarrassing to)
Ex. Doing the same thing every day makes me_____. (a. happily b. tire
c. tiring d. tired )

※ 以上動詞,若牽涉動受詞着,就得注意是否有『被動語態』改寫的可能。
※ 被動語態改寫的方式,僅是將原本主動語態句中的主詞、受詞交換,把V改寫為be+p.p即可。
1. I bought her a pretty watch.

2. He heard Mary playing the piano.

3. Dad made me mop the floor.

4. Poor grades embarrass me.

5. Mom gave a key to me.

6. I saw Ms. Ma jog in the park this morning.

7. My teacher had me do my lessons by myself.

8. Her speech impressed me .

1.( ) Elva always helps her mom ______ the floor on Sundays. (a. to vacuum b. vacuuming c. be vacuuming d. to be vacuumed )
2.( ) I must get it ______. (a. to do b. be done c. done d. doing)
3.( ) Do you hear the noise ______ by the children playing outside? (a.making b. made c.make d. which made )
4.( ) She is really ______, so nobody wants to talk to her. (a. bored b. boring c. bore d. being bored )
5.( ) I watched the Elephants _____ last night. It was very exciting. (a. playing b. played c. to play d. to be played )
6.( ) (a. They helped their mother mopping the floors
b. They helped their mother mop the floors
c. They helped their mother mopped the floors
d. They helped their mother for mopping the floors.)
7.( ) (a. Let’s to go to the gym after school, shall we?
b. Let’s go to the gym after school, will you?
c. Let’s go to the gym after school, shall we?”
d. Let us going to the gym after school, shall we?)
8.( ) (a. They heard the black dog barked last night.
b. They heard the black dog is barking last night
c. They heard the black dog to bark last night.
d.. They heard the black dog barking last night. )
9.( ) (a. I saw a cat kill by a car yesterday.
b. I saw a cat killed by a car yesterday.
c. I saw a cat killing by a car yesterday.
d. I saw a cat was killed by a car yesterday.)
10.( ) (a. Can I borrow a magazine for you?
b. Can I lend a magazine for you?
c. Can I borrow a magazine from you?
d. Can I lend a magazine for you?)
11.( ) They are listening to Cathy _____ an English song. (a. singing b. sings c. to singing d. is singing )
12.( ) Mr. Brown always makes me _____ of my grandfather, who has been dead for two years. (a. to think b. thinking c. think d. to thinking)
13.( ) I saw him _____ on the ground. (a. lying b. lay c. laying d. lied)
14.( ) What made her _____ this? (a. do b. did c. to do d. done)
15.( ) He ______ to England with Janelle in a week. (a. has gone b.goes c.is going d. has been)
16.( ) Joe: Eric is a good boy. Frank: Why?
Joe: He always helps me _____ all my homework.
Frank: Oh no. (a. to do b. did c. doing d. done)
17.( ) Helen _____ interested in music since she was a little girl.
(a. has b. is c. has been d. was )
18.( ) John always asks me to let him ____ all my homework. (a. to copy b. copying c. copy d . copied )
19.( ) They were _____ with the _____ movie. (a. satisfying, exciting b.satisfied, excited c. satisfying, excited d. satisfied, exciting )
20.( ) Buying new and beautiful clothes always ______ them. (a. excite b. excites c. is excited d. exciting )
21.( ) Dad had me _____ before dinner. (a. finish reading the book. b. finish to read the book. c. to finish to read the book. d. finishing reading the book.)
22.( ) A: Are you going _____ the bill? B: Yes. How much is it? (a. pay b. to pay c. take d. to cost)
23.( ) Sam: Are we going to take the MRT to Taipei Zoo? Mom: Yes, we _____.
(a. can b. do c. will d. are )
24.( ) Tina: Jack!I feel the table _____. Jack: Really? Maybe it’s an earthquake.
(a. moving b. to move c. is moved d. moved )
25.( ) Annabel: Do you like to playing soccer? We will have a soccer game tomorrow.
Justin: I don’t think my mother will let me______ with you.
(a. go b. will go c. to go d. going )
26.( ) Linda _____ on Mother’s Day. (a. bought her mom a skirt b. bought her mom it c. bought it her mom d. bought a skirt her mom. )
27.( )Seeing that her son was badly hurt, the mother was very _____. (a. worrying
b. surprising c. worried d. troubled )
28.( ) I think math is _____, and I am _____. (a. confusing, troubling b. confusing, troubled c. confused, troubling d. confused, troubled )
