2009年4月1日 星期三

So surprise! Today is Fool's Day and 我竟然參加網誌布落格的研習。其實這部分我已學過了,坐著。做著,突然覺得有點好笑,這算不算是自己愚弄自己呢?

2009年3月25日 星期三


※ 在此討論的特殊動詞有來去動詞使役動詞感官動詞聯綴動詞情緒動詞授與動詞

壹:來去動詞:◎包括有:go ,come, leave, startbeginmovearrive〈到達〉、fly〈飛往〉…等。
◎常以『現在進行式』代替『未來簡單式』。即will+v …=be+ving…
Ex: I will leave for Paris next month.
=I for Paris next month.
=I for Paris next month.
Ex: 今天下午我要去看醫生。〈be going to〉

Ex: 他要和你去看電影嗎?
Will he go to a movie with you?
Is he going to a movie with you?
Ex: Tom will go to the party, won’t he?
=Tom to the party, he?
Ex: She will not go to the movie, but I .
= She is not go to the movie, but I .
Ex: Mon is going to the department store this evening, and I.

◎ 此類動詞包括有:〈一〉與『狀態』有關:look看起來…,sound聽起來... ,taste嚐起
.., smell聞起來… , feel感覺起來…, keep保持…等
〈二〉 become變得get變得grow變得turn轉變得go轉變得... come最後變得
◎ 連綴動詞與be動詞很像〈be動詞後也得接補語〉
◎ 一般說來,連綴動詞都不可造進行式〈be+ving〉;
但become, get, grow三者卻可以,有『漸漸地…』、『越來越…』的意思;表達時可搭配『形容詞原級』、『比較級』、『比較級and 比較級』。
◎ 連綴動詞的補語首先考慮『形容詞』〈包括『分詞』與『分詞片語』其次才是名詞。
◎ 相關原問句:How…..?/ What /Who/ Which…..like? 用以詢問主詞補語
Ex: He looked (sad) at the party we had last week.
Ex: He looked (sad) at the girl we talked with.
Ex: Judy an artist. (a. are b. looked c. got d. became )
Ex: I so tired last night. (a. am b. got c. tasted d. feel)
Ex. He looks .(a. happily b. so scared c. like a teacher d. a thief)
Ex. The plan didn’t come , and he felt (a. truly; tiredly b. true; tiring c. true; tired d. true; tire )
Ex: You should keep to enjoy every moment in your life.
(a. scared b. happy c. surprising d.
talking. )
Ex: Peter looks so great today. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. Grant looks like Andy Lau. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. Matt looks like an engineer. ( 造原問句 )

Ex. 隨著日子過去 (day and day),他漸漸變老了。

◎ 常見的有:buy/bought買、give/gave給、teach/taught教、write/wrote寫、sell/sold賣、lend/lent借岀 send/sent 寄送、bring/brought帶來、ask問….
◎ 授與動詞後有兩受詞:一為『物』、一為『人』。
◎ 句型:S +V +人 +物 = S + V+ 物+介系詞 +人
◎ 常與之搭配的介詞有to, for; 而ask用 of
Ex: He gave Mary a jewel as a birthday present.
= He gave a jewel________ Mary as a birthday present.
Ex. Father has bought me an English dictionary.
=Father has bought an English dictionary ________ me
Ex. I want to ask your brother a math question.
= I want to ask a math question_______ your brother.
Ex. I have sent Mr. Brown that package.
=_____________________________________________(以代名詞替代 that package)
Ex. I went to ask Mom________ money in a hurry.
Ex. You can ask Tom _________ help you.
Ex. I want to ask the question _______ Mr. Kao.
Ex. Dad ______ on my birthday. (a. gave me to a watch b. give a watch me c. gave me it d. gave it to me. )
◎ 包括有:see/sawwatchlook at; hear/heardlisten tofeel/felt

◎ 感官動詞屬『不完全及物』動詞,只要提到感官動詞,其實是為了要討論其後的『受詞補語』
◎ 受詞補語包括形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞及省略to的不定詞
◎ 句型:S+ 感官V + O + V-RT (此V表O自己可完成的動作,主動意)
+ V-ing (主動,表O之動作正進行中 )
+ p.p(被動,表O之動作是被產生的 )
Ex. I saw a truck_____ in back of your garden. (a. wash b. washing c. be washed d. washed )
Ex. Uncle Tom looked _______ this morning. ( 可複選 ) (a. sad b. like a beggar c. at the dog run d. for that girl quickly. )
Ex. I heard Cindy _____ the violin. ( 可複選 ) (a . played b. playing c. to play d. play. )
Ex. I heard her ______ a song to put her baby to sleep. (a. sang b. sung c. to sing d. singing )
Ex. Tom saw Jack ______ by a car. (a. to hit b. hitted c. hit d. was hit)
◎ 包括make/made, have/had, let/let ( 讓… )
◎ 此類動詞都有『強制、強迫、命令』受詞的語氣,故後面的受詞補語形式若為主動,我們用『省略to的不定詞』表之;若是被動,則以『pp』表之。即句型為: S+ 使役動詞+ O +V-RT(表O自己可以做的動作, )
+pp (被動,表O之動作是被產生)
◎ help視為具有半使役動詞的特色,即其句型: S+ help + O+ (to)+V-Rt
Ex. Mom made me ______ ______ the housework. (a. finishing; doing b. to finish; to do c. finish; do d. finish; doing)
Ex. Mr. White had the room _____ the other day. (a. clean b. cleaning c. cleaned d. to clean.)
Ex. You should help him _____ his keys.(複選 ) (a. to look for b. looking for c. looked for d. look for )
Ex. Mom told me _____ the medicine. (a. take b. took c. taking d. to take )
Ex. Let him _____ Mary _____ the tickets. (複選) ( a. helping; to get b. help; to get c. help; get d. help; getting )
Ex. Dr. Chen made all the windows_____. (a. opened b. open c. close d. closing )
Ex. Dad had me ______ a doctor. (a. be b. to be c. am d. been. )

◎ 包括有excite令…感到刺激的、 embarrass令…感到難堪的、 bore令…感到無聊的、 worry令…感到擔憂的、 surprise令…感到驚訝的、 scare令…感到害怕的、 impress令…印象深刻的、 interest令…感到興趣的、 tire令…感到厭煩的、 satisfy令…感到滿意的
◎ 此類動詞以事物為主詞、人為受詞;即 S(事物)+情緒V+O(人)
◎ 此類動詞常轉化為分詞〈即V-ed; V-ing〉當形容詞用。
過去分詞(V-ed ) 修飾人,解釋為『感到…的』ex: He’s tired.
現在分詞(V-ing) 修飾事物,常作『令人….的』解釋。

ex: It’s a tiring day.
◎ interesting〈有趣〉interested〈感到興趣的〉 和 boring〈無聊的〉 bored(感到無聊的) 皆可修飾『人』
Ex. He is a boring student.他是令人厭煩的學生
bored with對…感厭煩
embarrassed about對…感困窘
人+be/feel/look+excited about對…感興奮 +事物
interested in對…感興趣 impressed with(by)對…印象深刻
tired of對…感厭倦
worried about對…擔心
surprised at對…感驚訝
Ex. _____ scares _____. (a. Driving too fast; me b. I; driving too fast)
Ex. I_____ in solving problems. (a. am interesting b. interests c. am interested d. interest )
Ex. That she often gets home late _____ to all of us. (a. worries b. is worried c. is worrying d. worry.)
Ex. ___ bores ______. (a. I; reading novels b. To read novels; her c.Her jokes; me d. They; he)
Ex. The experience is so ______ me. (a. embarrassed b.embarrassing c.embarrassed about d. embarrassing to)
Ex. Doing the same thing every day makes me_____. (a. happily b. tire
c. tiring d. tired )

※ 以上動詞,若牽涉動受詞着,就得注意是否有『被動語態』改寫的可能。
※ 被動語態改寫的方式,僅是將原本主動語態句中的主詞、受詞交換,把V改寫為be+p.p即可。
1. I bought her a pretty watch.

2. He heard Mary playing the piano.

3. Dad made me mop the floor.

4. Poor grades embarrass me.

5. Mom gave a key to me.

6. I saw Ms. Ma jog in the park this morning.

7. My teacher had me do my lessons by myself.

8. Her speech impressed me .

1.( ) Elva always helps her mom ______ the floor on Sundays. (a. to vacuum b. vacuuming c. be vacuuming d. to be vacuumed )
2.( ) I must get it ______. (a. to do b. be done c. done d. doing)
3.( ) Do you hear the noise ______ by the children playing outside? (a.making b. made c.make d. which made )
4.( ) She is really ______, so nobody wants to talk to her. (a. bored b. boring c. bore d. being bored )
5.( ) I watched the Elephants _____ last night. It was very exciting. (a. playing b. played c. to play d. to be played )
6.( ) (a. They helped their mother mopping the floors
b. They helped their mother mop the floors
c. They helped their mother mopped the floors
d. They helped their mother for mopping the floors.)
7.( ) (a. Let’s to go to the gym after school, shall we?
b. Let’s go to the gym after school, will you?
c. Let’s go to the gym after school, shall we?”
d. Let us going to the gym after school, shall we?)
8.( ) (a. They heard the black dog barked last night.
b. They heard the black dog is barking last night
c. They heard the black dog to bark last night.
d.. They heard the black dog barking last night. )
9.( ) (a. I saw a cat kill by a car yesterday.
b. I saw a cat killed by a car yesterday.
c. I saw a cat killing by a car yesterday.
d. I saw a cat was killed by a car yesterday.)
10.( ) (a. Can I borrow a magazine for you?
b. Can I lend a magazine for you?
c. Can I borrow a magazine from you?
d. Can I lend a magazine for you?)
11.( ) They are listening to Cathy _____ an English song. (a. singing b. sings c. to singing d. is singing )
12.( ) Mr. Brown always makes me _____ of my grandfather, who has been dead for two years. (a. to think b. thinking c. think d. to thinking)
13.( ) I saw him _____ on the ground. (a. lying b. lay c. laying d. lied)
14.( ) What made her _____ this? (a. do b. did c. to do d. done)
15.( ) He ______ to England with Janelle in a week. (a. has gone b.goes c.is going d. has been)
16.( ) Joe: Eric is a good boy. Frank: Why?
Joe: He always helps me _____ all my homework.
Frank: Oh no. (a. to do b. did c. doing d. done)
17.( ) Helen _____ interested in music since she was a little girl.
(a. has b. is c. has been d. was )
18.( ) John always asks me to let him ____ all my homework. (a. to copy b. copying c. copy d . copied )
19.( ) They were _____ with the _____ movie. (a. satisfying, exciting b.satisfied, excited c. satisfying, excited d. satisfied, exciting )
20.( ) Buying new and beautiful clothes always ______ them. (a. excite b. excites c. is excited d. exciting )
21.( ) Dad had me _____ before dinner. (a. finish reading the book. b. finish to read the book. c. to finish to read the book. d. finishing reading the book.)
22.( ) A: Are you going _____ the bill? B: Yes. How much is it? (a. pay b. to pay c. take d. to cost)
23.( ) Sam: Are we going to take the MRT to Taipei Zoo? Mom: Yes, we _____.
(a. can b. do c. will d. are )
24.( ) Tina: Jack!I feel the table _____. Jack: Really? Maybe it’s an earthquake.
(a. moving b. to move c. is moved d. moved )
25.( ) Annabel: Do you like to playing soccer? We will have a soccer game tomorrow.
Justin: I don’t think my mother will let me______ with you.
(a. go b. will go c. to go d. going )
26.( ) Linda _____ on Mother’s Day. (a. bought her mom a skirt b. bought her mom it c. bought it her mom d. bought a skirt her mom. )
27.( )Seeing that her son was badly hurt, the mother was very _____. (a. worrying
b. surprising c. worried d. troubled )
28.( ) I think math is _____, and I am _____. (a. confusing, troubling b. confusing, troubled c. confused, troubling d. confused, troubled )


  • To+ V-Rt(不定詞) V.S V-ing (動名詞 )
    Name:________________ No:________
    1.( ) Tell him _____ come. (a. don’t b. mustn’t c. not to d. to not )
    2.( ) Reading good books _____ good for all of us. (a.is b.were c.are d.was )
    3.( ) Do you like _____ in the living room? (a.to study b.studies c.to studying d. studing )
    4.( ) He helped me _____ the work yesterday. (a.did b. do c. to doing d. doing)
    5.( ) My father told me _____ a book for him. (a.buy b. bought c. to buy d. buying )
    6.( ) Do you want me _____ her? (a. help b. to help c. helped d. helping )
    7.( ) Tell John _____ it. (a. how does b. how to do c. how doing d. how do )
    8.( ) Her mother made her _____ the housework. (a.do b.did c.to do d. doing)
    9.( ) We can hear the bird ______ in the tree.(a. to sing b. sings c. sing d. sung)
    10.( ) The teacher wanted ____ .(a.he came b.him come c.he comes d.him to come )
    11.( ) He happened ____ his key yesterday. (a.find b.to find c.finding d.found)
    12.( ) When did you finish ______ that book? (a. reading b. to read c. read d. for reading )
    13.( ) My clothes need ______ because they are dirty. (a. to clean b. to be cleaning c. cleaned d. cleaning )
    14.( ) Doesn’t he need ____ his clothes? (a.wash b.to wash c.washing d.washes)
    15.( ) I hate to interrupt(打擾) a man when he is busy_____. (a. working b. to work c. to working d. worked )
    16.( ) If you are tired, you may stop______. (a. work b. to work c.working d. to working )
    17.( ) I’m very tired. I must stop ______a rest. (a. take b.to take c.taking d.taken)
    18.( ) Collecting stamps ____ a good habit. (a. are b. is c. were d. have)
    19.( ) When did Mary start _____ English? (a. be learned b. learning c. and learned d. to be learning )
    20.( ) Reading good books _____ boys and girls wise. (a. makes b. making c.make d.made )
    21.( ) I always enjoy_____ fast in the swimming pool. (a. to swim b. swim c. make d. swimming )
    22.( ) Remember _____ enough stamps to your letter next time. (a. to put b. putting c. to putting d. put )
    23.( ) Having correct eating habits ____ very important. (a.are b.is c.has d.have)
    24.( ) Mary is interested _____ to music (a. in listen b. in listening c. to listen d. to listening)
    25.( ) The car is too expensive for me _____. (a. to buy it b. to buy c. buying d. not to buy )
    26.( ) _____ is not easy for us to make up our mind. (a. There b.It c.That d.We)
    27.( ) Playing video games all day _____ us foolish. (a. to make b. making c.makes d. make)
    28.( ) Spelling long words _____ not easy. (a. am b. is c. are d. were )
    29.( ) Spelling lessons _____ so interesting. (a. am b. is c. are d.were )
    30.( ) We know that _____ on time is important. (a. being b. been c.is d.are)

    1. We need to work hard. = We __________ to work hard.
    2. He likes to listen to music. = He likes ____________ to music.
    3. He forgot he must do it. = He forgot _____ _________ it.
    4. I remembered that I must do it. = I remembered _______ __________ it.
    5. He remembered that he visited the museum.
    = He remembered ____________ the museum.
    6. To see is to believe. = ____________ is _____________.
    7. Young children like watching and listening.
    = Young children like ______ ____________ and _____________.
    8. Playing baseball interests them.
    = They _______ _____________ ______ playing baseball.
    = Playing baseball ______ _____________ _______ them.
    9. To recycle well is important for our environment.
    = ________ important for our environment ______ recycle well.
    = _______________ well _____ important for our environment.
    10. I remember writing to him. = I remember that I ____________ to him.

    1. He is busy _______________ (write) a book.
    2. Because I forgot _____________ (tell) him, you didn’t see him.
    3. He doesn’t need ________________ (work) too hard.
    4. He forgot _____________ (see) me before.
    5. Remembering facts _________ (be) very easy.
    6. My father told me _________________ (not eat) too much.
    7. She is too tired ________________ (study).
    8. It’s important ___________________ (spell) the new words.
    9. Do you mind _____________ (close) the door for me?
    10. Do you have many thing _________________ (do)?
    11. Tell me how _____________ (do) it.
    12. Correct eating habits _________ (be) important for us.
    13. Having correct eating habits _________ (be) important for us.
    14. He asked me ________________ (wash) his car.
    15. The teacher let us ________________ (play) basketball between classes.
    16. Tom keeps ___________ (get) knowledge on his own.
    17. The girl decided _________________ (attend) vocational school.
    18. Don’t be afraid of _____________ (ask) questions in class.
    19. Don’t be afraid to _____________ (ask) questions in class.
    20. Helen practices _____________ (play) the piano every weekend.


關係子句 〈形容詞子句〉
『一個小孩正在追一個男人』。這句話在文法上來說,相當完整,但卻顯得空洞,聽者無從想像那是個什麼樣的男人或小孩。此時我們如果用關係〈形容詞〉子句加以描述這個小孩或男人,Ex: 一個『背著書包的小孩』正在追一個男人;或一個小孩正追一個『穿紅夾克的』男人,是否就使得這個意象,從平面圖,變成了生動有趣的立體圖畫了呢?

※ 注意:上述例子中,『背著書包的』小孩及『穿紅夾克的』男人,就是在此所要討論的形容詞子句,它用來修飾前面的『小孩』或『男人』;也就是說當你動用到整個子句修飾前面的名詞時,即已進入了關係〈形容詞〉子句的範圍了。

※ 牛刀小試一下:
A. 找出下列中文句子裡的形容詞子句:
1. 我把媽媽上個禮拜給我的夾克放在衣櫥裡。
2. 那個昨天賣我海報的售貨員叫做馬克。
3. 那家窗戶被打破的書店就在轉角處。
B. 找出下列英文句子裡的形容詞子句:
1. Many people who live in Taipei now take the MRT to different places.
2. I’m looking at the pictures that we took during the past three years.
3. A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.

Ex: The present which I bought yesterday is there.
形容詞子句→ which I bought yesterday (我昨天買的) 要修飾前面的名詞the present,故the present 就是先行詞。


Which或 of which
1. 關係代名詞的『格』,指的是它在『形容詞子句』中的格。
即→若選關代『主格』(who,which,that )着,後面一定是動詞
→ 若選關代『所有格』(whose)着,後面一定是名詞再加動詞
→若選關代『受格』(whom,which,that )着,後面一定有完整的主、動詞(甚至有介係詞)

2. 關代不管who或which,絕大部分都可用that替代:但『所有格』不可被that 取代。
Ex: I have met the salesperson who wants to sell me a car.
(S) + (V)
= I have met the salesperson that wants to sell me a car.
(S) + (V)
3. 關代中,主格和所有格是不能省略的:但受格可以。

1.I have a grammar book which is written by Mr. Chen.
2.This is the car which he bought last week.
3.He has a cousin whose hair is long..
4.The woman whom I work with is my aunt..
5.I want a husband who is always nice to me.
1. The old man __________ lives next door to me is an engineer.
2. The teacher__________ Mary is talking to is my uncle.
3. I have a table__________ leg is broken.
4 This is the museum __________ I visited last weekend.
5. I remember the dog __________ bit me before.
6 He has a watch ____________ hands are out of order.

Step (1).找出上下兩句重複的名詞〈此即為先行詞〉,在此名詞下劃線。
(3) 加入適當的關係代名詞後,轉抄下一句,重複的名詞不抄。〈此部分即為關係子句的

(4) 回頭檢視,上句是否有未抄完的部分,若有,則抄完它〈包括標點符號〉
Ex: 合併句子:
1. The dialogue is very funny.
The dialogue is written by Mark Twain.
→The dialogue which is written by Mark Twain is very funny.
2. We called on the teacher.
Tina talked about the teacher.

3. The woman was a doctor before.
Her husband is jogging over there.

4. The girl drives very fast.
She is wearing sunglasses.

5. I have just got a letter. / Eric sent me the letter.

6. I know that boy.
His father teaches math in Tom’s class.

7. Mom hates the novels.
They are written about romance.

8. We met the boy that was invited to the dancing party.〈將句子分解成兩句〉

9. People who like to play sports usually watch TV about sports.(將句子分解成兩句)

※ 關係代名詞中,有關受格的部分:
1. 不管先行詞是人、或非人,其受格(who, which)皆可用that代替之。

Ex: The man is very popular at our school. / You are talking about the man.
→The man whom you are talking about is very popular at our school.
(關代受格) 此為關係子句中about的受詞
=The man that you are talking about is very popular at our school.
Ex: The man you are talking about is very popular at our school.
你有沒有注意到,此關係子句中,受格〈不管是who或 that〉皆已省略。
Ex. The man about whom you are talking is very popular at school.
(介係詞)+關代 (介詞about提到關代whom前面了 )
Ex: The man about you are talking is very popular at our school. ( X )
Ex: The man about that you are talking is very popular at our school. ( X )

※ 關代that的專利用法:
1. 先行詞是人與非人同時出現時,用之。
Ex: I saw a man and his dog ___________ take a walk in the park.
Ex: How can you look down on the poor man and his dog__________ are sitting there?
2. 先行詞前有『指定』意味的字(Ex: every, any, all, no, the very正是, the only, the same )修飾時用之。
Ex: This is the very house ___________ I’m trying to look for.
Ex: All __________ you have to do is do your best.你所能做的就是盡力而為。
Ex: I know every student __________ ran on the playground there.
Ex: No one ____________ use time well will waste so much time reading comic books.
Ex: Tom is the only one of the boys __________ is going to the party.
3. 先行詞前有最高級的字修飾時,用之。
Ex: The most beautiful present __________ I received is from my girl friend.
4. 先行詞前有序數的字修飾時,用之。
Ex: The first student __________ came into the classroom this morning is Sue.
5. 句首是由who 或which所引導的疑問句時。
Ex: Who who is rich will buy the house? ( X ) 有錢人誰會買那棟房子?
Ex: Which is the table _____ you like best?
Ex: Who is the man __________ was standing at the door at 4:00?

※ 關代 that 的禁忌用法:
1. 介係詞之後不用that。
Ex: He is the student for ____ I bought a dictionary. (a. whom b .that)
2. 『,』之後不用that。
Ex: I, _____ am your friend, will do my best to help you. (a. who b. that )
3. 慣用語:『凡是…..的人』-people who…,those who….they who…..
Ex: Those _____ use their money well usually can do more things. (a.who b.that)
Ex: Heaven helps those ______ help themselves. (a. who b. that )天助自助者

※ 形容詞子句的補述用法
1. 形容詞子句,主要是用來限定修飾主要子句中的名詞,故稱此類用法為限定用法。
Ex: I have a brother, who is a professor.
→Q: How many brothers does the writer have?_________(此即『獨一性』)
Ex: My father is a doctor. / My father lives in Japan.(合併句子)
→My father _____________ lives in Japan is a doctor.(※father有獨一性,因而使用補述用法)
2. 補述用法的做法就是將形容詞子句前後以『,』隔開,導入關係子句所要修飾的名詞後即可
。Ex: 承上例 I have a brother who is a professor. ( X )
3. 形容詞子句,作補述用法時,關代不用that,也不管是什麼格,一律不可省略。
。Ex: 承上例 I have a brother, that is a professor. ( X )

※ 複合關係代名詞與關係副詞when、where

1. 複合關係代名詞what =先行詞 + 關係代名詞
亦即,複合關係代名詞what 本身已包含先行詞在內了。(或換句話說,用複合關係代名詞what時,前面是沒有先行詞的 )
Ex: I don’t know the thing which he wants.
先行詞 + 關代
= I don’t know what he wants. 我不知道他要什麼
2. 關係副詞when = 介係詞+關係代名詞
3. 關係副詞where = 介係詞+關係代名詞
Ex: August is a month in which the weather is still hot.八月是個天氣還很熱的月份
= August is a month when the weather is still hot.
Ex: The hotel which we stayed at was very comfortable.我們住的那間旅館很舒服
= The hotel at which we stayed was very comfortable.
=The hotel where we stayed was very comfortable.
練習: 合併句子,寫出所有可能的結構
1. The chair is my favorite. / Tom is sitting on the chair.
2. The thing may be possible in 20 years. / The thing is impossible now.
3. ( ) He is not _____ he used to be. (a. who b. that c. X d. what )
4. ( ) This is the place _____I was born in 1978. (a. X b. which c. where d.what)
5. ( ) I love the place ____we called at last year.(a.where b.which c.what d.that)(複選)
6. ( ) Never put off until tomorrow _____ you can do today.今日事今日畢
(a. what b. that c. X d. which)

Ex: The girl who is wearing a red dress is Maggie.形容詞子句
=The girl wearing a red dress is Maggie.分詞片語
=The girl in a red dress is Maggie.介係詞片語
(1) 將形容詞子句中的關代及be-V去掉
(2) 再將形容詞子句中的動詞,恢復成原形動詞後,再化為現在分詞(表先行詞自己會做的動作,主動意),或過去分詞(表被動意),此極為分詞片語。
(3) 若要化為介係詞片語,則將形容詞子句中的關代〈及be-V〉去掉,再將動詞化為題意所需的介係詞,此即為介係詞片語。
1. I know the man who wears glasses.
2. There stands a man who wears a black jacket.
3.The pizza which is made in Pizza Hot is very delicious.
4. There is a department store which is between the bank and the park.
5. I’m afraid of the girl who was scared by Tom.
6. Tom is my teacher, who is Mr. Martin.
( )7.Her brother is the boy_____ the most comic books. (a. who have b.that c. in d.with )
( )8. The girl _____ a red skirt is Jenny White. (a. with b. who wear c. wearing d. who wearing )
( )9. The man_____ about the game is a Dino’s fan. (a. with b. who excited c. exciting d. excited )

The Total Practice
1.( ) I’ve found that thief _____. (a. which has long hair b. in long hair c. who have long hair d. with long hair )
2.( ) Did you meet the boy to_____ you wrote an e-mail?
(a. that b. who c. whom d which )
3.( ) Your brother, who _____ my close friend, should help me. (a. is b.am c.are d. be )
4.( ) I, who ____ your close friend, should help you. (a. is b. am c. are d. be )
5.( ) I have a cousin _____ wife is a doctor. (a. who b. whom c. whose d. his )
6.( ) The girl _____ was Susan’s sister. (a. to that I spoke b. whom Mary talked c. with who Cathy lived d. they talked about )
7.( ) Do you know the man_____? (複選) (a. who John is b.is with Mary c. whom Tina talked to d. John is with )
8.( ) The stranger _____ last night was nice.
(a. met us b. we met c. we met him d. whom met us )
9.( ) Jane is one of the students who _____ good English.
(a. speak b. talk c. talks d. to speak )
10.( ) The girls _____ short hair _____ my students. (a. who has; are b. who have; are c. with; is d. who with; are )
11.( ) I like the house _____ the Wangs live. (a. which b. that c. in which d. in where )
12.( ) This is the same watch _____ I want to buy. (a. who b. which c. what d. that )
13.( ) You should read the books _____ interest you. (a.who b.whim c.that d.what )
14.( ) Jenny and I are talking about the salesperson _____ we met yesterday. (複選)
(a. who b. what c. which d. whom e. X )
15.( )Jenny and I are talking about the salesperson _____ we met yesterday.
(a.who b. what c. which d. whom )
16.( ) People _____ live here are nice and police. (a. who b. whom c. that d.which )
17.( )The girl ____red shoes is Mr. Ma’s daughter.(複選)
(a. in b. with c. wears d. that wears)
18.( ) She wants a husband ____ can stay with her all the time. (複選)
(a. X b. who c. which d. that )
19.( ) The fruit _____ in this supermarket is very fresh. (複選)
(a. is sold b. which sold c. which is sold d. sold )
20.( ) I visited the teacher about _____ David talked. (a. whom b. who c. which d. that )
21.( ) You should read _____ interest you. (a. who b. whom c. that d. what )
22.( ) The song _____ is my favorite. (a. which you listened to it b. you listened c. to which you listened d. which is listened )
23.( ) The cat _____ under the desk is sleeping. (複選) (a.which b.X c.is d.which is )
24.( ) Which is the dessert _____ you want to order? (a.what b.which c.that d.who )
25.( ) Does he mean the person _____ next to your husband?
(a. who b. that c. which d. whom e. X )
26.( ) Who is the man ____is sitting next to an old man? (a.who b.that c.which d.whom)
27.( ) I met some boys, two of _____are living next to me. (a.them b.who c.whom d.that)
28.( ) I met some boys. Two of ___are living next to me.(a.them b. who c. whom d. that)
29.( ) Can you see the woman and her dog _____ Kim is running after? (複選)
(a. who b. whom c. which d. that e. X )
30.( ) He was _____ he wanted to be. (a. what b. who c. whom d. which )
31.( ) He was the person _____ he wanted to be. (a.what b.who c.whom d.which)
32.( ) Tom is the only one of the students that _____ able to speak very good Engglish.
(a. is b. are c. has d. have )
33.( ) Is there anything _____ I can do for you? (a.which b.who c.of which d.that)
34.( ) This is the very house_____ they’ve been looking for.
(a. which b. where c. that d. of which)
35.( ) Any man _____ listen to him is a fool. (a. who b. which c. what d. that )
36.( ) The man _____ is over there. (a. whom met b. teaches French c. you talked d.with whom you worked )
37.( ) She is the prettiest girl _____ I have ever known. (a.who b.what c.which d.that)
38.( ) The girls _____ outside the market _____ laughing.
(a. who stands; are b. stand; is c. who standing; are d. who are standing; are )
39.( ) He wants to visit his pen pal, Matt, _____ he has never met before.
(a. whom b. who c. that d. which )
40.( ) I really like the toy spider ___ can move.(複選)(a.that b.which c.of which d who e. X )
41.( ) In the future, robots will do some jobs _____ are dangerours.
(a. which b. who c. when c. where)
42.( ) Only those people _____ can love others.
(a. which are loved b. which love them c. who love themselves d. who is loved)
43.( ) The present was just _____ I want. (a. which b. what c. why d. when )
44.( ) The present was just the thing _____ I want. (a. which b. what c. why d. when )
45.( ) Was it the boy or the dog _____ made the noise? (a.which b.who c.that d.what )
46.( ) Hey!Every one _____ wears a jacket, come here , please.
(a. who b. that c . which d. X e. whose )
47.( ) All _____ you have to do is concentrate on your studies. (複選)
(a. what b. which c. X d. who e. that )
48.( ) I know Mary, _____ is John’s sister. (a. what b. that c. whom d. who )
49.( ) Please give me the magazine _____. (a. that you read last night b. which Mr. Green brings it c. to which Mr. Green brings d. who liked to read )
50.( ) This is the restaurant_____ we ate dinner. (複選)
(a. in which b. which c. in where d. where )
51.( ) _____ is correct or wrong today may not be the same in the future.
(a.what b. that c. it d. this )
52.( ) The thing _____ is correct or wrong today may not be the same in the future.
(a.what b. that c. it d. this )
53.( ) Mr. Kao is the most handsome man _____ I’ve ever seen. . (複選)
(a. who b. that c. what d. whose e. X )
54.( ) Give me something _____ can interest me . (複選)
(a. which b. that c. X d. who e. whom )
55.( ) I like the house, _____ he lives. (a. which b. that c .in which d. in where )
56.( ) He is the only man _____ I want to see. (a.who b.whom c.which d.that )
57.( ) I live in Hsinchu, _____ is famous for its windy weather.
(a. where b. it c. here d. which )
58.( ) The boy _____ was my friend. (a. to that I spoke b. whom Mary talked c. with who Tom lived d. Jane talked about )
59.( ) I tell you, Grant _____ teaches English in Jacob’s , is the greatest.
(a. he b. that c. whom d. who e. X )
60.( ) Could you help me to find the book the cover(封面) _____ is red?
(a. which b. whose c. of which d. that e. X )
61.( ) The chair _____ he is sitting on is very old (a. on which b.on that c.which d.that)
62.( ) The chair _____ he is sitting is very old (a. which b. on that c. where d. that)
63.( )_____ he is sitting on is very old. (a. on which b.on that c.which d.that)
1. The man was taken to the hospital. / The man wore large glasses.

2. Here is a comic book. / It is interesting.

3. Who took the pictures? / We like the pictures very much.

4. Mary is the first student. / She answered the question.

5. Those would not throw stones. / They live in glass house.

6. Her husband is my favorite teacher. / He teaches us Chemistry.

7. Did you see the man? / His hair was brown and long.

8. Mr. Clinton likes that house. / Its windows are so big.

Ex: I want the computer which,that,X he bought last night.
1. He is the man _______________ I want to see.
2. My sister, _______________ is Nora, is a secretary.
3. I will buy a car _______________ color is green.
4. She is the only girl _______________ I love best.
5. He is the man _______________ I’m waiting for.
6. This is the house in _______________ Tom lives.
7. Sam is the player about _______________ we are think.
8. My cousin ____________ nose is big has a special talent for science.
9. We saw a young man and his puppy_____________ ran through the park.
10. Did he know the man___________________ car was painted badly.
11. I don’t like the chair ____________________ arms were broken.
12. Candy ate her dinner at the restaurant ___________________was talked about last Sunday.
13. Tina wants to know ___________________you know.
14. Jenny would like to buy the chair _____________________ you often sit..
15. Have you finish _________________________your mom asked you to do?

2009年3月4日 星期三


班級經營的理念與策略 張振成 屏東縣立新埤國中校長


二、導師應善用專業權威,以贏得學生的信服:現代社會是民主的社會,也是重視專業知能的時代。導師除了具備民主素養,尚須具備某種程度的專業權 威,否則他將無法領導學生、影響學生。所謂專業權威是指一位合格而優秀的導師,除了具備適當的人格特質(如:愛心、耐心、熱忱....等)外,尚須具備專業的知識與技能,並且在教學方面有優異的表現,以贏得學生的信服與敬仰。在善用專業權威方面,身為現代導師應該:
(一)多獎勵、少懲罰。 (二)獎懲並用,而以獎勵為主。 (三)獎懲要把握時效,並且讓學生知道為何受獎,為何受罰。 (四)公開獎勵、私下懲罰。 (五)考慮個別差異。 (六)獎懲的種類和程度要與行為相當。
  有心的地方就有愛,讓我們敞開雙手,透過溝通、透過增強接納我們的每一位學生,別把學生也像政治一樣分「主流派」、「非主流派」。對於沒有父母的孤兒、單親家庭的學生,需要您我多一分的關懷,多一分的愛心。對於教室的邊緣學生,更需要您我多一絲關愛的眼神。相信我們對學生的付出,不結果,也會開花。也誠如電影「原鄉人」劇中農夫勉勵鍾理和的一句話:「汗水流入稻田裡,總會長出稻子來!」讓我們一起為提昇教育品質、追求卓越,邁步向前,以做一位快樂、有意義、有價值的教育工作者而共同努力。 (


人生要懂得抉擇。方法一:降低物質生活的需求。一心追求財富,容易失去生命的重心。如果希望擁有快樂生命,父母親就要省下更多時間,用心陪伴自己與孩子。沒人規定必須親自做飯才是好父母,若情緒緊繃,不妨帶著孩子吃館子, 此時也不要過問功課。方法二:創造溫馨時刻。選擇固定時間,利用大餐桌全家聚集,各忙各的事。孩子寫功課,父母看書,而不是一邊整理家務,一邊怒吼孩子做功課。


別當直升機 父母

現場1:許昌街徐薇補習 班。
徐薇永遠忘不了那個鉛灰 色的夜晚,教了二十年國高中補習班英文、看過形形色色的父母,前些時間卻遇上無法 招架的劇情。
那晚,九點半下課聲響起,學生們湧上發問;排在人龍第一位的北一女學生, 連珠砲式的,一問二十分鐘,後排學生騷動顯出不耐;徐薇委婉說道,「妳先讓其他同 學發問,待會兒再來好不好?」她揪了眉轉身離去。徐薇不以為意。
幾十分鐘後,徐薇的手機響起,電話那 頭,一位中年男性劈頭興師問罪:「妳為什麼不回答我女兒的問題?她一回來就躲起來 哭,說後面那位明倫高中學生的問題,會比她的重要嗎?」
甜美的笑容轉為愁苦,徐薇傻了眼,不 情願道了歉。
游泳池畔,五年四班的三十名學生下了 游泳課,準備換裝;泳池畔幾位志工媽媽原本是來協助現場整理與秩序維護,但其中一 位志工媽媽看到女兒出來,大步趨前,拿起吹風機吹起女兒的長髮,「別著涼了,」媽 媽壓低了音量說話。
新趨勢:過度介入、過度焦慮的「直升機父母」 這是一群台灣新生的「直升機父母」(helicopter parents),是歷史上不曾出現的一批 「過度介入」與「過度焦慮」的父母。他們像極了直升機,在孩子上空盤旋,無時無刻 守望孩子的一舉一動。
以目前五到十四歲的三百萬孩童為基礎,再加上學齡前與就讀高中的一百多萬 學生,這群父母約有六百萬(平均每對生兩胎或一‧五胎)。
這六百萬的父母,大多數在一九六一到一九七六年階段出生、解嚴前後接受大 學或義務教育,被威權教育訓練為學歷至上的競爭動物,上最好的學校、爭取頂尖的工 作。
他們看到社會的轉變,試 圖以不同於父母輩對自己的權威教養,創造出較民主或自由的「教養觀」( parenting)。
但,在教養上,這群父母遭遇上了史無 前例的兩大挑戰。

挑戰一,少子化伴隨的焦 慮。在直升機父母的上一輩,多半有四到五個孩子分散父母注意力;但直升機父母的世 代卻最多只有兩個小孩。最新的數據是,一位婦女生不到一.一二個。因此,家族的關 注點全集中在少數孩子身上。
挑戰二,第一代教改實驗下的父母。直升機父母的孩子是未成年的學子或學童 ,是第一代教改的對象;做為教改實驗父母,他們被迫與教改亂象共處,也在全球化無 情競爭、就業市場不確定的環境下,教養下一代。
台灣教改十年了,創造了六百萬名直升 機父母。他們把教養當極限運動(extreme sport)。
從零歲開始的焦 慮 這個極限運動從孩子一出生就啟動。
星期三早晨,台北市的健寶園裡擠滿了 一到兩歲的小朋友等著排隊進教室上課。孩子玩的遊戲很簡單,吹泡泡、溜滑梯、唱歌 跳舞,希望透過吹泡泡增加手眼協調、爬坡鑽洞訓練肌肉與平衡發展。
四十五分鐘的課程、費用七百元,但不 少父母趨之若鶩;一旁陪玩的父親拉開嗓門唱歌,好像是自己在上課,「我們的孩子要 比別的孩子玩更多,」他說道。不少名人像陳孝萱、任賢齊等藝人也常親自送小 baby來上課。
這天,三十二歲的蘇筱甯開著車,帶著 四歲女兒與一歲兒子,從桃園縣經國路北上。早在女兒八個月大,她便上網蒐尋小 baby可上的課程,「不想讓她看電 視成長。」
但桃園的教育資源顯然無法滿足她。到現在,蘇筱甯一星期上台北三趟,除了 健寶園,她還送女兒到唭哩岸游泳、上雲門律動課程。
她每天一定幫兩個小孩寫成長部落格, 「十個媽媽有八個都在做網頁,很多是邊上班邊做。」她甚至為女兒設計精美的名片、 每年帶孩子進攝影棚拍照,很用心思照料。
以專案管理的方式,從出生開始啟動孩 子的各項學習,父母兢業提供各種刺激點,填滿孩子的人生。為了滿足父母的需求,市 場上出現各種成人學習的「幼兒版」。
以往遊學最多從高中生開始,但補習班 與私立小學寒暑假推出各式「遊學團」,一所知名私校甚至辦了美國太空總署( NASA)的科學遊學團;還有從嬰兒開始的皮紋性向分析,透過嬰兒的指紋判斷是藝 術型或領導型人物的諮商……。
陽 明大學 教授洪 蘭曾目睹一位母親這麼帶她的孩子:這位母親從書上得知,要開展孩子的肢體,必須每 一天讓孩子接觸硬軟方圓或各種觸感的材質;職業婦女的這位母親為了「有效」運用時 間,她拿了個碼錶,每二十分鐘為單位,孩子玩完積木,母親就捉起孩子玩沙坑,學習 像按表操兵。
讓孩子適性發展、給孩子多元的碰撞點,是天下父母心。只是一旦把學習當做 軍備競賽,就成為過度介入的直升機父母。
不安與比較 位在台灣大學旁的一所小學,不久前由家長舉辦了一場聯絡學童情感的班級音 樂會;孩子開心的表演才藝,但活動一結束,媽媽們就圍著方才彈奏蕭邦別離曲孩子的 父母,問道:「妳家兒子彈得真棒,從幾歲開始學的?怎麼練的?哪位老師教的?能不 能介紹一下?」
琴音流洩召喚的不只是欣賞,更伴隨父母濃厚的不安與比較。少子化使父母對 孩子的未來有「只許成功,不許失敗」的賭注。
台北市教師會理事長柯文賢解釋,以前 一家如果有四個小孩,每個孩子分到的注意力只有四分之一。現在如果是獨生子女,就 得承受父母外加兩對爺爺奶奶的關注,那是好幾倍的期待與壓力。
直升機父母的出現,其實顯現現代父母 內心對「完美小孩」(perfect child)的期待。
國家同步輻射研究中心研究員 湯茂竹 博士,憶起他當爸爸的那刻起,就夢想兒子能成為布袋 戲裡的「史艷文」:長得又高又好、功課第一、會玩會念書、心地善良,人人都愛戴。 湯茂竹的兒子已經國一,他花了長時間自我探索,如今能笑看過往的謬想。
家長的迫不及待反映了心 中深層的焦慮。
台塑生技董事長、近來大力提倡孩子讀經的楊定一表示,「我們似乎認為,只 要小時贏過身旁的人,就能在日後成為更有生產力、更成功的人,並以成人的觀點,將 就業市場的競爭、職場生涯需一帆風順的那一套,拿來設計、評估孩子的課程。」
知識超挖,生活能力缺乏 直升機父母口說不愛升學主義,但他們 卻相信「愛=讓孩子成功」。而成功的定義是上好的公立大學、長春藤名校、有極強的 人脈、過很好的生活。
雖然沒有父母會否認行行出狀元的價值,但他們還是無法避免用各種量化指標 ,判斷孩子的成敗。
以父母最在乎的英語為例,補教業者估計,台灣每年報名各類英檢的小學生有 四到五萬人。補習班的廣告也都打著「一年內要學會幾千個單字」。
英語老師徐薇認為,真正 的英語實力是孩子能輕鬆瀏覽英文網頁或閱讀書籍、與外國人互動。但台灣父母有「檢 定熱」,拿到分數、證書才能安心。家長不由自主追求成績、數字、級數。
對未來世界的恐懼、對台 灣教改的沒信心,強化父母必須花更多時間做有競爭力學習的信念。
不久前,徐薇趁著過年, 為國中生加開初一到初五、早上七點半到九點的寒假英文特訓班;沒想到名額爆滿,還 有父母問她為什麼不上到深夜十一點?
「這是一個知識超挖的年代,」全國家 長聯盟秘書長陳松根點出這代父母教養的盲點。
陳松根說,教改十年,大學入學率達九 成以上,研究所更超過兩千五百所,孩子升學壓力不減反增;「我們還以製造業的方式 教育孩子,我們有沒有問過,一個到高中的孩子,到底要給他什麼?」
父母在十年教改過程中,為孩子設下「 升學與學習的高標」,但卻也帶來更多無法逆轉的後遺症。
四月一日 ,由前教育部長曾志朗、陽 明大學教授洪蘭 為首的家長,將帶領數十個全國家長團體,發起三萬人簽署「愛你一輩子」的承諾書, 就是發現教改十年,父母還陷在「升學主義」的泥淖。
他們已經看到「知識超挖」對下一代、 對台灣競爭力的影響。
例如,在知識上,台灣孩子學習的內容能應用在未來的,不到三 ○%;而每天超過十六小時單調 的學習,根本無法出現創造的文化。這要使台灣的產業如何升級?
孩子的身心健康 卻被忽略 此外,下一代的身心健康,也被過度焦慮的直升機父母忽略。
私立愛德幼稚園午餐時間,三到六歲的 小朋友安靜坐著吃飯,今天的主食是飯、青菜以及豬肉塊,有小朋友看到這些食物直說 不喜歡。
「孩子吃太精緻的食物,甚至吃水果一定要果汁機打過,」汪慧玲認為,這都 造成孩子咀嚼不足、牙床長得不好。(註:這也是兒童牙齒矯正比例升高的原因之一) 最新一期《康健》雜誌針對國 小四到六年級學童進行身心健康調查,結果發現有四成六的學童沒有正常排便的習慣, 其中有五成三以上的學童十點後才就寢。孩童明顯缺乏良好的生活習慣。
但當問及家長晚睡的定義 時,家長認為十一點到十二點後才叫晚睡。父母健康觀念的薄弱,已徹底影響孩子為未 來的人生儲備體力。

二○○六年七月一日,瑞士籍人類學家大衛.史格 納(David Signer),以〈台灣的愛與寂寞 〉(Love and Loneliness in Taiwan)為題,於荷蘭報紙《Trouw》發表他停留台灣兩星期的感受,文中 談及台灣人的教育觀,直指核心。史格納寫著:
世界好像沒有一個地方的孩子,睡眠像 台灣孩子那麼少。不少台灣人把自己稱為「pm people」(夜行人)。大部份資訊科技產業的 人在晚間工作,因為這剛好是歐美客戶的白天時間。
「pm people」的孩子和他們一起熬到午夜,一起吃 東西、看電視、玩電玩。但是和大人們相反地,孩子又必須在早上七點起床 ……。
一位外國人類學者竟透徹剖析台灣父母 對孩子生活教育的忽略。
進校園輔導學生十餘年的光寶文教基金會的認輔志工團召集人吳銀玉觀察,這 代父母和上世代最大的差異是:雙薪、工時過長。
怕他不再愛我 家庭情況較好的,則是全職媽媽陪伴,父親角色經常缺席。
白天,雙薪父母把孩子交給學校與補習 班,晚上八點或十點,各自拖著疲累的身體回到家;忙碌父母內心的愧疚,使他們對小 孩生活習慣的建立,先行繳械。
在學習上,父母花錢請補習機構代替父 母監督;但生活上,忙碌的父母為表達愛,又變身成為不敢要求、沒有原則的「好朋友 」。
父母的忙碌造成「教養的 空窗」。
一位職業婦女母親原本規定孩子每天玩電腦時間不超過一小時。但實施不到幾 天,就因就讀小學高年級的兒子鬧情緒不說話,她決定投降。「怕拿走孩子的電腦,他 便不再愛我,」她的語氣聽來沮喪。
新校園:國民教 育失能、親子關係緊張 直升機父母帶來的影響,不僅發生在家 庭,也影響到校園。
民國八十三年開放師資多元,修滿大學教育學程二十六個專業學分就可進國中 教學、四十學分就可教小學。在教育界二十八年的校長蔡秀媛感慨,師資培育多元化後 ,國中小教師專業不足,地位一落千丈。師資結構改變教學現場,而直升機父母的增加 也帶來校園的質變。
一九九四年的四一○教改後,權力下放,家長積極進入校園;兩千年初期,台灣各縣市陸續明文規 定家長會參與校園行政的權利。
都會區家長對學校的參與尤深。不少明 星學區的家長具備「三高」(高學歷、高收入、高位階)條件,家長學經歷優於老師是 普遍現象。
一位校長無奈說,「許多 高學歷父母好像認為,只要曾當過學生、念到博士,就懂教育。」
家長力量有多大,看校園「愛爸愛媽」 (愛心爸爸與愛心媽媽)志工團就知道。
以往的校園只有老師與學生,現在,校 園裡不但有家長會的辦公室、從早到晚還可看見愛媽們在學校各角落幫忙。 以敦化國小為例,愛媽有三百 多位,比老師人數還多;家長們為了確保孩子的安全,還出錢聘請七位保全,上課時在 校內巡守。
目前許多國中小,每班多有家長代表、家長召集人,就像另一個正式組織,協 助班級、學校運作。從班遊、校遊、學校制服設計、營養午餐的監理,都由愛爸愛媽協 助。
師權低落,親權高張 原本老師、行政、家長三種力量是要在 教育專業、行政專業、家長愛的力量陪伴下,協助孩子健全的成長。但現在三方卻互不 信任,不乏家長過度介入,凌駕學校事務。
位在中科院、中研院、台灣大學附近的 國中小校長、老師,都經常抱怨這些三高的「家長很難伺候」。家長介入老師的考題、 教學方式, 成為 老 師的上級指導。
去年底,零體罰規定納入教育基本法,三讀通過。台北市教師會理事長柯文賢 認為,家長力量興起,動輒挑戰老師權威,不少老師為了避免麻煩,如今只教不管。
這些都促成教師的退休潮 。民國九十年,公立國中小退休教師不到七千人。退休人數在九十三年達高峰,超過九 千人。五年下來,已有四六七九三名國中小學教師退休。
師權的低落、親權的升高,使教育體系 兩股最大的力量互不信任。
台北市民族國中校長姚榮華經常遇到父母說,「升旗是多餘的,不要去晒太陽 ,在教室溫書多好」;也有家長要求,校外教學時學生不得穿制服,否則要打憲法官司 。
內外在競爭與不確定的環 境,造就了直升機父母,而直升機父母又回過頭對教育體制加壓。這樣的惡性循環,四 十六歲的台灣杜邦總裁陳榮二感受最深。
陳榮二相信行行出狀元,每個孩子都有 他的秉賦;但他的小兒子在升上國一那年,曾有長達四個多月的時間,無法進教室,只 要一被拖進教室就口吐白沫,臉色發白;陳榮二的妻子還因過度自責,從 五十公斤瘦 到 三十五公斤 ,家庭曾陷入危機。他尋訪中西名醫,都查不出原因。他猜測可能當時兒子是不適應國 中的升學壓力。
雖然小兒子在四個月抗爭後,終於回歸常軌,但他幾乎快失去兒子與妻子的痛 苦,讓他見識台灣教育制度,如何創造出焦慮的親子。
當台灣的父母和孩子真是 太苦了,」這位管理七百多人的總裁談起往事,還心有餘悸。
新價值:找到屬 於孩子自己的成功 直升機父母就像啟動教育食物鏈的改變 ,父母的觀念改變了老師的態度,老師態度影響孩子的動機。
國民教育的功能萎縮了,而家庭親子關 係也變得緊張了。 研究發現,過度焦慮的直升機父母,也容易養出焦躁的小孩。
美國孩童發展研究中心指出,直升機父 母經常會因孩子的成功或失敗,而有過度的憂傷、哭泣,有較多負面的想法、較少的愉 悅與生活滿意度。
因為直升機父母不經意會愈飛愈快速、愈管愈多,深怕一減速,就摧毀自己與 孩子的人生。
這是一場價值之戰。直升機父母被困在一種愛的陷阱裡。誤以為愛孩子,就要 為孩子掃除一切人生的障礙、幫孩子成功;其實,愛的價值是在幫助孩子找到重要價值 。
「我們的痛苦源自沒有真 正接受自己的孩子,」陳榮二認為。一旦堅信孩子都是獨立的個體、都有其價值,父母 就能學會接受與放下。全國家長聯盟裡,所有的家長寫下他們共同的反省:
當孩子誕生時候,我們就 曾承諾要愛他一輩子,但,我們真的這樣做了嗎?
教改十年,台灣創造了一大群「直升機 父母」,在這個關鍵時刻,該是父母與社會回頭自我檢驗的時刻。

2009年2月25日 星期三


December 27th, 2008-於正興國中
萬志恩( 英文作文);
呂政頡( 英文演講)。

I"m so surprised to see there are many excellent

students in our junior high campus, when taking

my students to join the competition of English

speech and writing in 正興 .

The students are so good on not only their ability

but also their thought

To teach these kinds of students must be a pride, and

also stress.too.

I"m keen to tecah them and grow
with them at the same time.